XML Clause Using In SQL Queries

  • SQL Result is convert into XML Formate using XML clause.
  • XML clause only used in the select statement in subqueries.
  • XML clause used in (INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE) statements.

Here Are three mode used in XML clause.

  1. RAW
  2. Auto
  3. Path


Description: Every row in your table is convert result set of XML node. user can also change all node name.and column is also converted into attribute.


select Product_ID, Name, Price from Product for xml raw


Generate XML Result:

<row Product_ID="1" Name="Table" Price="100" />
<row Product_ID="2" Name="Chair" Price="900" />

2. Auto

Description: Here table name is used row name insted of row.


select Product_ID, Name, Price from Product for xml auto


Generate XML Result:

<Product Product_ID="1" Name="Table" Price="100" />
<Product Product_ID="2" Name="Chair" Price="900" />

3. Path

Description: Here Every Record is a Parent element, and every column is nested element, If you can also set the custome attribute.


select Product_ID, Name, Price from Product for xml path



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