Visual Studio Blazor Template With Dapper And .NET Core 3.1

In this article, we will see how to download and use the new Blazor Template for Visual Studio 2019. Using this template extension, we can quickly create a Blazor Server app with .NET Core 3.0 and CRUD and Server-side pagination functionalities in a few moments with the help of dapper.

If you are new, I recommend please you read Getting Started with Blazor post first.


  • Visual Studio 2019
  • Blazor Extention

I submitted this template extension on Visual Studio Marketplace. you can download from there or you can find and download from Visual Studio itself.

  • Download and Install from VIsual Studio.
    • Go to Menu: Extensions > Manage Extensions
      • Search for “blazor_crud” and Download [you need to close the visual studio to install this any Extention.]

After installing an extension from Visual Studio, you need to restart visual studio to complete the setup.



Click on the “Create” button.


[Script is inside ReadMe.txt File]


Once you execute a script, need to add connection string inside “appsettings.json”.





In this article we have implemented CRUD operation with a table that allows us to sort, filter data and provide serverside pagination features in a few steps, We also Implemented Dapper by default so you can continue your real-time project from here with this code.

Please download, use and provide feedback for this template extension.

Recommend articles which you should read once.

  1. CRUD Using Blazor, Entity Framework Core And Dapper
  2. Sorting Table In Blazor
  3. Pagination In Blazor
  4. Searching Feature In Blazor

hope you guys found something useful. Please give your valuable feedback/comments/questions about this article. Please let me know how you like and understand this article and how I could improve it.

1 Comment

  1. Binary King

    That’s really use full article to implement live projects but some where It behave like polymorphism ex time take to navigate.Just need smooth navigation like most of SPA have


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