Tor : A brief introduction

Here is a quick explanation of the Tor browser’s features and what it is.

What is Tor ?

The Onion Router, sometimes referred to as Tor, is a unique browser. On all widely used computing platforms, including Windows, Mac, Linux, and Android smartphones, Tor is a free and open-source network browser. It guards against traffic analysis as well as network tracking and spying. To put it simply, Tor is the simplest way to browse the web covertly and anonymously. With many million users as of 2022, it is the most well-liked web anonymity solution in the entire globe.

How Does Tor Function?

The Tor browser operates by transferring your internet traffic between many T-nodes, or Tor servers, located all around the world. T-nodes give Tor access to billions of globally dispersed proxies that employ a variety of IP addresses to increase web anonymity. Additionally, Tor encrypts your traffic to eliminate the possibility of monitoring your activity. This is referred to as anonymous surfing, and Tor even goes so far as to conceal your location and personal data from any website apps. Furthermore, Tor allows you to bypass restrictions and access websites that would otherwise be inaccessible to you.

For instance, you could work for a company where access to illegal websites is restricted. Barring is frequently accomplished by blocking particular IP addresses, however, Tor may easily get around this by utilizing T-nodes.

What Sets Tor Apart From Other Browsers?


Although “incognito” modes in “traditional” browsers like Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox enable private surfing, the privacy these modes offer is little. The onion-routing architecture of Tor offers virtually limitless anonymity.

Security of Identity

Numerous websites keep track of visitors’ IP addresses and search terms. This will be used in conjunction with other data acquired from your interactions with the website to create a profile of your online interests and browsing patterns. This information is subsequently sold to third parties and used to market specific products to you. Tor stops this data from being used to identify you.

Utilization of the Deep Dark Web

Because of its anonymizing capabilities, Tor is the preferred browser for accessing the Deep Web. (The Deep Web describes websites and links that search engines do not index and do not show up in search results for. Sites with “questionable legality and content” are referred to as being on the Dark Web, a portion of the Deep Web.)


Tor is much slower than other browsers due to the intricate way it routes traffic to maintain anonymity. As more and more people start using Tor and clog the network, this issue gets worse. Additionally, filesharing through Tor significantly slows down the network.

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