Reduce the horizontal space between fields in flex layout using angular material.

Forums AngularReduce the horizontal space between fields in flex layout using angular material.

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Umang Ramani Marked As Accepted
Staff answered 2 years ago

To reduce the horizontal space between fields in a flex layout using Angular Material, you can adjust the spacing using the mat-form-field class and the mat-grid-list component.

Here are the steps you can follow:


Set the mat-grid-list component to use a fixed number of columns, like this:

<mat-grid-list cols="2" rowHeight="2:1">

Use the mat-form-field class to style your input fields, like this:

<mat-form-field class="example-form-field">
  <input matInput placeholder="First Name">


Define a custom style for the mat-form-field class, like this:

.example-form-field {
  margin-right: 8px;


This will set a margin of 8 pixels between each input field.


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