How to show :before :after on mouse hover

Forums HTMLHow to show :before :after on mouse hover
Staff asked 2 years ago

I have following CSS:

.title:after {
    display: none;

and following HTML:

<div class="title">
        <a class="header active">EXAMPLE</a>

title:after and .title:before are lines under my EXAMPLE text. I want to change them to display: block; when you hover over the header text. I know you can do similair things with the onmouseover Event but I couldn’t figure out how to implement that to :after and :before

This wouldn’t work: onmouseover="document.getElementByClassName('.title:after').style.display = 'block';"

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Staff answered 2 years ago

for that, you can add class in the “title” class div using this javascript


and then using this class name you can show the before and after element

.title.title-active:after {
    display: block;

and remove the class name when you hover out.

I hope this help.


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