How to get browser timezone in javascript then convert into .net timezone id

Forums JavaScriptHow to get browser timezone in javascript then convert into .net timezone id
Staff asked 1 year ago

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Umang Ramani Marked As Accepted
Staff answered 1 year ago

To get the browser timezone in JavaScript and convert it into a .NET timezone ID, you can follow these steps:

  1. Get the browser timezone offset: In JavaScript, you can use the Date.getTimezoneOffset() method to get the difference between the browser’s timezone and UTC time, in minutes.

For example:

var offsetInMinutes = new Date().getTimezoneOffset();
  1. Convert the offset to hours: Convert the offset in minutes to hours by dividing it by 60.

For example:

var offsetInHours = offsetInMinutes / 60;
  1. Calculate the timezone name: Calculate the timezone name by adding or subtracting the offset from UTC time. The timezone name should be in the format “GMT±hh:mm” or “GMT±hhmm”.

For example:

var timezoneName = 'GMT' + (offsetInHours > 0 ? '-' : '+') + Math.abs(offsetInHours).toString().padStart(2, '0') + ':00';

In this example, the padStart() method is used to add leading zeros to the hour value if necessary.

  1. Map the timezone name to a .NET timezone ID: Map the timezone name to a .NET timezone ID using a lookup table or a library such as moment-timezone.

For example:

var timezoneId =;

In this example, the moment-timezone library is used to map the timezone name to a .NET timezone ID. The zone() method of the moment-timezone library takes a timezone name as a parameter and returns an object that contains information about the timezone, including its ID.

Note that the mapping from timezone name to .NET timezone ID is not always straightforward, as some timezones have multiple possible IDs. In addition, the mapping may change over time as new timezones are added or existing timezones are modified. It’s important to use a reliable source for the mapping, such as a library that is regularly updated.

Staff answered 1 year ago

Please Use this,

First Get TimezoneOffset, It returns the difference between the local time zone and UTC time zone in minutes  :

var timezoneOffsetInMinutes = new Date().getTimezoneOffset();

Then Use below steps for the Get TimeZone Id :

// Create a TimeSpan object from the timezone offset in minutes
TimeSpan timespan = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(timezoneOffsetInMinutes);

// Get the timezone ID for the TimeSpan using the TimeZoneInfo class
string timezoneId = TimeZoneInfo.GetSystemTimeZones()
  .Where(tz => tz.GetUtcOffset(DateTime.Now).Equals(timespan))
  .Select(tz => tz.Id).FirstOrDefault();



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