How to add dynamic properties in json response of api in Angular?

Forums AngularHow to add dynamic properties in json response of api in Angular?
Staff asked 3 years ago

Answers (1)

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Sameer Palla Marked As Accepted
Staff answered 3 years ago

Try this solution may it helps you to come out.


const link = "/assets/info-response.json";
return this.http.get<any>(link).toPromise();

//assume that this response may
// [
// { "id":"1", "name":"Anna" }
// { "id":"2", "name":"Martin" }
// ]

//now let add new propertie country in response object

getRequestData(link).then( (resObject) =>{
this.newObject.push( (obj)=>({ ...obj , country:"India" }) );

//now your response in newObject is like
// [
// { "id":"1", "name":"Anna","country":"India" }
// { "id":"2", "name":"Martin","country":"India" }
// ]



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