This Module provides some useful methods to manipulate files and directories. The path parameters are generally either in form of strings or bytes.
For different os systems, there are different versions of this module available in the standard library.
Following are some of the most useful methods of the path module.
1. os.path.abspath(path)
returns normalized absolutized version of pathname path.
# abspath function import os out = os.path.abspath("your path") print(out)
2. os.path.basename(path)
returns the base name of the given path.
# basename function import os out = os.path.basename("dash/baz/foo") print(out) output: foo
3. os.path.dirname(path)
used to return the directory name of the given path.
# dirname function import os out = os.path.dirname("dash/baz/foo") print(out) output: dash/baz
4. os.path.isdir(path)
Specifies whether the path is an existing directory or not.
# isdir function import os out = os.path.isdir("C:\\Users") print(out) output: true
5. os.path.isabs(path)
Used to check whether the specified path is absolute or not.
# isabs function import os out = os.path.isabs("/baz/foo") print(out) return: true
6. os.path.isfile(path)
Return true if the path is an existing directory.
# isfile function import os out = os.path.isfile("D:\backup\range") print(out) return : true
7. os.path.normpath(path)
It normalizes the pathname by collapsing redundant separators and up-level references.
# normpath function in Unix import os out = os.path.normpath("foo/./bar") print(out) output: foo/bar
8. os.path.split(path)
Split the path into (head, tail ) pair where the tail is the last pathname component and the head is everything leading up to that.
# splitfunction in Unix import os out = os.path.split("foo/bar") print(out) output: ('foo', 'bar')
9. os.path.splitext(path)
Used to split the path and file extension
# splitext function in Unix import os out = os.path.splitext("c:/dir/backup.js") print(out) output: ('c:/dir/backup', '.js')
10. os.path.islink(path)
Returns the true if the path refers to the directory entry that is a symbolic link.
# islink function in Unix import os out = os.path.islink("c:/backup.js") print(out) output: False
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