Hello Developers, In this blog we will learn how we can use toast notification for message in our react app
First create new app using following command
npx create-react-app
First of all install neccessary packages into your app
npm i rsuite
Then import all important files in your app js file
import { Message, useToaster } from 'rsuite'; import 'rsuite/dist/rsuite.min.css';
Now, to show toast notification we have to use useToaster hook
Just like this
const toaster = useToaster()
Now you can show toast with this toaster
use toaster.push(YOUR_ELEMENT) to display toast message
<Button onClick={() => toaster.push( <Message showIcon type="success" header='Success' closable> Success Toast Message Example </Message>, { placement: 'topEnd' } )}>Success</Button>
There are 4 types of variants are available for toast message
<Button onClick={() => toaster.push( <Message showIcon type="success" header='Success' closable> Success Toast Message Example </Message>, { placement: 'topEnd' } )}>Success</Button> <Button onClick={() => toaster.push( <Message showIcon type="info" header='Informational' closable> Informational Toast Message Example </Message>, { placement: 'bottomCenter' } )}>Info</Button> <Button onClick={() => toaster.push( <Message showIcon type="warning" header='Warning' closable> Warning Toast Message Example </Message>, { placement: 'topEnd' }) }>Warning</Button> <Button onClick={() => toaster.push( <Message showIcon type="error" header='Error' closable> Error Toast Message Example </Message>, { placement: 'topEnd' }) }>Error</Button>
You can use toaster.remove() method to remove toast and toaster.clear() method to clear all toasts