How To Use D3-Celestial In Vue.js

In this article, we will learn howto use d3-celestial in vue.js


Interactive, adjustable celestial map through with the D3.js visual image library. So, GeoJSON for sky stuff. that astonishingly no one has done nevertheless, it seems.

Features show of stars and deep sky objects (DSOs) with a selectable magnitude limit up to six, or select completely different GeoJSON information supply for higher magnitudes. conjointly shows constellations with names, lines and/or boundaries, the Milky Way band and grid lines. Alternate coordinate areas e.g. ecliptc, galactic or supergalactic also are attainable. Full support for zoom and rotation with mouse or gestures.

Step 1: Create new project:

vue create d3-celestial-demo

Step 2: Install require packages:

npm i d3-celestial

Step 3: Open App.vue file and add following in it:

  <div id="app">
    <div id="celestial-map" />
    <label>Location: </label>
    <input v-model.number="lng" label="lng" type="number" />
    <input v-model.number="lat" label="lat" type="number" />
    <input v-model.number="hours_offset" label="+ hours" type="number" /> Date:
    <input v-model="dates" label="date" type="date" />
    <button @click="update_location">go</button>
    <button @click="now">now</button>
    <div>{{ [lat, lng] }}</div>
    <div>{{ getOffset(timezone) }}</div>

import celestial from 'd3-celestial';

const Celestial = celestial.Celestial();
export default {
  name: 'App',
  data() {
    return {
      lat: 35,
      lng: -105,
      hours_offset: 0,
      timezone: 'America/Denver',
      FONT: 'Raleway',
      dates: null,
  mounted() {
    const config = {
      width: 800,
      projection: 'stereographic', // Map projection used: airy, aitoff, armadillo, august, azimuthalEqualArea, azimuthalEquidistant, baker, berghaus, boggs, bonne, bromley, collignon, craig, craster, cylindricalEqualArea, cylindricalStereographic, eckert1, eckert2, eckert3, eckert4, eckert5, eckert6, eisenlohr, equirectangular, fahey, foucaut, ginzburg4, ginzburg5, ginzburg6, ginzburg8, ginzburg9, gringorten, hammer, hatano, healpix, hill, homolosine, kavrayskiy7, lagrange, larrivee, laskowski, loximuthal, mercator, miller, mollweide, mtFlatPolarParabolic, mtFlatPolarQuartic, mtFlatPolarSinusoidal, naturalEarth, nellHammer, orthographic, patterson, polyconic, rectangularPolyconic, robinson, sinusoidal, stereographic, times, twoPointEquidistant, vanDerGrinten, vanDerGrinten2, vanDerGrinten3, vanDerGrinten4, wagner4, wagner6, wagner7, wiechel, winkel3
      // transform: 'equatorial', // Coordinate transformation: equatorial (default), ecliptic, galactic, supergalactic
      controls: false, // zoom controls

      // geopos: [, this.lng],
      orientationfixed: true,
      follow: 'zenith',
      disableAnimations: true,
      stars: {
        colors: false,
        size: 4,
        limit: 6,
        exponent: -0.26,
        designation: false,
        style: { fill: '#000000', opacity: 1 },
        propername: false,
        propernameType: 'name',
        propernameStyle: {
          fill: '#ddddbb',
          font: `8px ${this.FONT}`,
          align: 'right',
          baseline: 'center',
        propernameLimit: 2.0,
      dsos: {
        show: false,
        size: 6,
        designation: false,
        propername: false,
        data: 'dsos.6.json',
      constellations: {
        names: false, // Show constellation names
        namesType: 'iau', // Type of name Latin (iau, default), 3 letter designation (desig) or other language (see list below)
        nameStyle: {
          fill: '#cccc99',
          align: 'center',
          baseline: 'middle',
          font: [
            '14px Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif', // Style for constellations
            '12px Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif', // Different fonts for diff.
            '11px Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif',
        }, // ranked constellations
        lines: true, // Show constellation lines, style below
        lineStyle: { stroke: '#cccccc', width: 1, opacity: 0.6 },
        bounds: false, // Show constellation boundaries, style below
        boundStyle: {
          stroke: '#cccc00',
          width: 0.5,
          opacity: 0.8,
          dash: [2, 4],
      planets: {
        show: false,
        which: [
        // Font styles for planetary symbols
        symbolType: 'disk',
        symbols: {
          // Character and color for each symbol in 'which', simple circle \u25cf
          sol: { symbol: '\u2609', letter: 'Su', fill: '#ffff00', size: '24' },
          mer: { symbol: '\u263F', letter: 'Me', fill: '#cccccc' },
          ven: { symbol: '\u2640', letter: 'V', fill: '#eeeecc' },
          ter: { symbol: '\u2295', letter: 'T', fill: '#00ccff' },
          lun: { symbol: '\u25CF', letter: 'L', fill: '#ffffff', size: '24' }, // overridden by generated crecent, except letter & size
          mar: { symbol: '\u2642', letter: 'Ma', fill: '#ff6600' },
          cer: { symbol: '\u26B3', letter: 'C', fill: '#cccccc' },
          ves: { symbol: '\u26B6', letter: 'Ma', fill: '#cccccc' },
          jup: { symbol: '\u2643', letter: 'J', fill: '#ffaa33' },
          sat: { symbol: '\u2644', letter: 'Sa', fill: '#ffdd66' },
          ura: { symbol: '\u2645', letter: 'U', fill: '#66ccff' },
          nep: { symbol: '\u2646', letter: 'N', fill: '#6666ff' },
          plu: { symbol: '\u2647', letter: 'P', fill: '#aaaaaa' },
          eri: { symbol: '\u26AA', letter: 'E', fill: '#eeeeee' },
        names: true,
        nameStyle: {
          fill: '#cccccc',
          font: "17px 'Lucida Sans Unicode', 'DejaVu Sans'",
          align: 'right',
          baseline: 'top',
        namesType: 'desig',
      mw: {
        show: false,
      lines: {
        // Display & styles for graticule & some planes
        graticule: {
          show: true,
          stroke: '#cccccc',
          width: 0.6,
          opacity: 0.8,
          // grid values: "outline", "center", or [lat,...] specific position
          lon: {
            pos: [''],
            fill: '#eee',
            font: '10px Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif',
          // grid values: "outline", "center", or [lon,...] specific position
          lat: {
            pos: [''],
            fill: '#eee',
            font: '10px Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif',
        equatorial: { show: true, stroke: '#aaaaaa', width: 1.3, opacity: 0.7 },
        ecliptic: { show: false, stroke: '#66cc66', width: 1.3, opacity: 0.7 },
        galactic: { show: false, stroke: '#cc6666', width: 1.3, opacity: 0.7 },
        supergalactic: {
          show: false,
          stroke: '#cc66cc',
          width: 1.3,
          opacity: 0.7,
      background: {
        // Background style
        fill: '#ffffff', // Area fill
        opacity: 1,
        stroke: '#00000', // Outline
        width: 1.5,
    this.$nextTick(() => {
      Celestial.location([, this.lng]);
  methods: {
    /* @return A timezone offset in minutes */
    getOffset(timeZone = 'UTC', date = new Date()) {
      const utcDate = new Date(
        date.toLocaleString('en-US', { timeZone: 'UTC' })
      const tzDate = new Date(date.toLocaleString('en-US', { timeZone }));
      return (tzDate.getTime() - utcDate.getTime()) / 6e4;
    now() { Date()); //, this.getOffset(this.timezone));
    update_location() {
      if (! {
        const time = new Date();
        time.setHours(time.getHours() + this.hours_offset); // include offset;
      let date = new Date(this.dates);
      date.setHours(date.getHours() + this.hours_offset);;
      Celestial.location([, this.lng]);

#app {
  font-family: 'Avenir', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
  -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
  -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
  text-align: center;
  color: #2c3e50;
  margin-top: 60px;

Code in action:

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