How To Remove Scaled In The File Name Path When A New Image Is Uploaded In The WordPress

In this article, We learn about how to remove scaled in the File Name Path when a new image is uploaded.

After WordPress 5.3, there is a new feature added to WordPress.

When we upload a big image like 2560px width or height in the media then WordPress detects it’s a big image and will be scaled down to normal size.

The original image is stored in the uploads directory with the image name and the scaled image is added “scaled” in the last of the file name.

Like this image-name-scaled.jpg

Scaling is handled by this big_image_size_threshold filter.

To disable scaling, return false in this filter callback.

Add this filter to your child theme’s functions.php file.

add_filter( 'big_image_size_threshold', '__return_false' );

WordPress also provides a function for getting the original image.

Here is the function:


We can use this function for getting an original image.


I think it should help you.

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