Hello Developer are you facing issue of low volume while you are learning online ???
If Yes , Then here is a solution for that
Step 1 : Open Youtube
Step 2 : Open Developer tool or Press F12 and navigate to console Tab
Step 3 : Add Below script in console
var videoElement = document.querySelector("video") var audioCtx = new AudioContext() var source = audioCtx.createMediaElementSource(videoElement) var gainNode = audioCtx.createGain() gainNode.gain.value = 2 // double the volume source.connect(gainNode) gainNode.connect(audioCtx.destination)
Hope you have experienced the change in volume.
You can increase volume more by following Script :
gainNode.gain.value = 3
Similarlly you can decrease volume by following Script :
gainNode.gain.value = 0.5
Hope you will find this Article Helpul. If you have any query regarding this article reach out at comment section.
PS: Please use wisely too much volume can damage your ears.