How To Get Brighter and Better Image In Photoshop

There are several ways to get a brighter photo in photoshop. I will explain three methods of brighter photos in this tutorial.

  1. Use Curves option
  2. Use Brightness/ Contrast option
  3.  Use the Color Balance option
1 Use Curves to Bright your image

First, open your image in photoshop and go to Image >> Adjustments >> Curves or press Ctrl + M to open Curves Tab.

when your Curve Tab is open then adjust the curve at which you things your image looks better. Make sure that the Preview button is checked and when you like the brightness then click on ok.


2 Adjust the brightness

First, open your image in photoshop and go to Image >> Adjustments >> Brightness/Contrast to open Brightness/ Contrast Tab.

when your Brightness/ Contrast Tab is open then adjust the brightness and contrast slider at which you things your image looks better. Make sure that the Preview button is checked and when you like the brightness then click on ok.


3 Use Color Balance to increase brightness.

Open your image in photoshop and go to Image >> Adjustments >> Color Balance to open Color Balance Tab.

when your Color Balance Tab is open then adjust the color levels at which you things your image looks better. Make sure that the Preview button is checked and when you like the brightness then click on ok.


see the result in the below image.

Hope this tutorial will help you.

Thank You!!


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