Get Records From Zoho Modules Using Deluge Function

In this tutorial, We are going to learn to Get Records From Zoho Modules Using Deluge function without using API Call.

If you need to get records using Zoho API you can use this reference: Get Records From Zoho Modules Using Deluge

Now, I am going to show you how you can get the records without using API and Access token for the Zoho CRM Platform.


<variable> = zoho.crm.getRecords(<module_name>, <page>, <per_page>, <query_value>, <connection>);


<variable> : A variable name where you need to represent the data from reference.

<module_name>: Module Name from where you want to get records

<page>:  This parameter is optional. It represent the page number from which page you need to get records. By default it has been setup as 1

<per_page>: This parameter is optional. It used to get the records count on each page. By default it has been setup 200

<query_value>: This parameter is optional. This is used to mention all other parameters which can be used by API

<connection>: This parameter is optional. Name of the connection which you have created.

Example of code:

lead_map = Map(); 
lead_map.put("sort_order", "asc"); 

lead_response = zoho.crm.getRecords("Leads", 1, 10, lead_map, "crm_connection");
lead_response = zoho.crm.getRecords("Leads");


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