In this article, We learn how to get All selected dates between two dates and create these date column.
What is Pivot?
- Pivot is used to row data transfer to column.
First create a table
create table EmpAttendance ( Name nvarchar(50), Date datetime , Status varchar(10) )
Now create a Stored Procedure with date range.
Create or ALter Procedure Get_AttendanceData @FromDate DateTIME, @ToDatate DateTIME AS BEGIN WITH DateRANGE AS ( SELECT DT =DateADD(DD,0, @FromDate) WHERE DateADD(DD, 1, @FromDate) <= @ToDatate UNION ALL SELECT DateADD(DD, 1, DT) FROM DateRANGE WHERE DateADD(DD, 1, DT) <= @ToDatate ) SELECT * INTO #SelectedDates FROM DateRANGE
Since the query Dates of columns are dynamic, hence the Dates columns are concatenated one by one from the table EmpAttendance and stores the value in a local variable.
After the Pivot, some record are empty or null we will replace this empty data into “MT”
DECLARE @Columns2 VARCHAR(MAX) SET @Columns2 = SUBSTRING((SELECT DISTINCT ',ISNULL(['+ CAST(CONVERT(Date , DT) as varchar )+'],''MT'') AS ['+CAST(CONVERT(Date , DT) as varchar )+']' FROM #SelectedDates GROUP BY dt FOR XML PATH('')),2,8000)
Now we create a pivot query
DECLARE @QUERY VARCHAR(MAX) SET @QUERY = 'SELECT EmpName as Emp_Name, ' + @Columns2 +' FROM ( SELECT A.EmpName , B.DT AS Date, A.Status FROM EmpAttendance A RIGHT OUTER JOIN #SelectedDates B ON A.Date=B.DT ) X PIVOT ( MIN([Status]) FOR [Date] IN (' + @COLUMN + ') ) P WHERE ISNULL(EmpName,'''')<>'''' ' EXEC (@QUERY) DROP TABLE #SelectedDates END
Now execute this procudure
Exec Get_AttendanceData '2021-07-01','2021-07-10'
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