Create Drop-Down Using Custom Directives

How to Create Drop-Down Using Custom Directives in Angular Hello Readers, Today’s topic is how can we create our custom drop-down in angular using custom directives. First, we need to Create “custom-drop-down-directives.ts” as per the below code. import { Directive,HostBinding,HostListener} from ‘@angular/core’; @Directive({ selector: ‘[myDropDown]’, exportAs:’myDropDown’ }) export class DropDownDirective { @HostBinding(‘’) isOpen = false;…

Generate Angular API Code Using Swagger

Generate Angular API Code Using Swagger Hello Coders!, Here is a more basic and simple way to Generate Angular API Code Using Swagger, all you need just your DotNet Core/Framework with Swagger Configuration, that’s it now your free to generate API code using swagger. Installation: Let’s first Download the Below Desktop application on your machine….

How to Implement SweetAlert2 in Angular

Implementation of SweetAlert2 in Angular application: Hello Coders!, Here is a Simple and Easy step to Implementation of SweetAlart2 in your Angular Application. Installation : Open your Application Terminal and type a code as Below npm install sweetalert2 @sweetalert2/ngx-sweetalert2 after Successfully Installation of the SweetAlert2 in your Application Import the below file into your app.module.ts….

How to Implement Angular Animation

Hello Readers!, Today we are going to understand and Learn simple and basic Angular Animation. we will see all the step one by one and we will implement in our Application. Let’s Begin: The main Angular modules for animations are @angular/animations and @angular/platform-browser. When you create a new project using the CLI, these dependencies are automatically added…

PWA Integration in Angular

PWA Integration in Angular  PWA (Progressive Web App) provides us native mobile app Experience, without installing the particular application from AppStore we can directly install it on our Desktop or mobile with just one click. Here we are going to Introduce some areas of Integration with Examples. first, we start from Initial to End to…

Full Calendar In Angular

FullCalender is a full-sized drag-and-drop Event Calender. It is used to display your event on a nice calendar view.
It comes with 3 types of view Month view, Week View, and Day View.


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