Angular Toaster Notifications Massage

Step 1: Create New App Using the command below, you can simply create your own Angular app: ng new my-new-app Step 2: Install Toastr We will set up the @angular/animations and ngx-toastr npm packages in this phase. Let’s execute both commands as shown below: npm install ngx-toastr –save npm install @angular/animations –save Now that we…

Protecting Routes With Auth Guard In Angular

Using your preferred code editor, create a new application in Angular. ng new auth-guard-demo –routing Open the newly formed project after generating it, and then from the terminal, type the following command to create two files for Auth and Authentication. ng g service ./_service/auth-guard ng g service ./_service/authentication Enter the following instructions to create two…

Logical Operators in Angular TypeScript

Boolean values are used by logical operators. In a logical operator, the compound expression returns true if both expressions are true if the AND operator is used. The compound expression returns true if one of the two conditions is true if the OR operator is used. If either expression is inverted when the NOT operator is used, the value returns true.

How To Add Loader/Spinner In Angular

In this article, we will learn how to show loader in Angular Using the Ngx Spinner library. Ngx Spinner library is used to load spinner in angular which means when data is in progress state the loader is shown to display the loading state of data in the application.

Optional Chaining And Nullish Coalescing

In this article, we will learn about two Concepts of Angular 12. Typescript 3.7 has been released with many new features. From them, We have 2 new features to check the Null and Undefine of an object (Optional Chaining and Nullish Coalescing)


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