What is Bitbucket ? Difference between Bitbucket vs GitHub
Design Pattern

Source code management (SCM) and distributed version control systems are both provided by Bitbucket, a web-based version control repository hosting service. It was created to be used with the distributed version management systems Mercurial and Git. Bitbucket provides both paid and unrestricted accounts.

Kubernetes : A Brief Introduction
Design Pattern

K8s, sometimes referred to as Kubernetes, is an open-source platform for managing, scaling, and automating the deployment of containerized applications. The Cloud Native Computing Foundation currently maintains it after Google initially built it (CNCF).

Brief Introduction of CSS Flexbox
Design Pattern

In this blog , I am gonna give you a short introduction of CSS Flexbox design layout. With the help of Flexbox we can create responsive layout with ease.

Use Dependency Injection In Static Class With .Net Core
Design Pattern

We may face circumstances where we want to resolve a dependency inside a static class, but with the static class, we are restricted to a static constructor which is not supported for the .NET core to work for Constructor Injection. So, today we will see how we can handle these kinds of operations, so we can achieve Dependency Injection with static classes in .NET Core.

Software Design Principle – YAGNI
Design Pattern

In this article, We are going to study the “YAGNI” software design principle’s benefits and why this principle is helpful for us. Some best principles are KISS, SOLID, DRY/DIE, and YAGNI software perspective.

Software Design Principle – DRY
Design Pattern

In this article, We are going to study the “DRY” software design principle’s benefits and why this principle is helpful for us. Some best principles are KISS, SOLID, DRY/DIE, and YAGNI software perspective.

Software Design Principle – KISS
Design Pattern

In this article, We are going to investigate the “KISS” as known as “Keep it simple, Stupid” software design principle’s benefits and why this principle is useful for us. Some best principles are DRY/DIE, SOLID, KISS, and YAGNI software perspective.


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