Call API In Kioware Browser

In this article, we learn how to call API in Kioware Browser.

What is API?

  • An application programming interface (API) is the acronym for Application Programming Interface, which is a software intermediary that allows two applications to talk to each other.

Step: 1

Open the Kioware browser, click on the Browser menu and then click on Auto Actions.

Step: 2

Then a popup will open in which you have to add Add Auto Action Entry.

Step: 3

Then a popup will open in which have to add the URL and API JavaScript-XHR code from the postman.

  • Create API request from Postman.

These steps will create the JavaScript-XHR code that you will run in Kioware browsers.

  • Note

API run when your URL is run in Kioware browsers.

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