Angular charts using Chart Option | canvasJs

Introduction :

A simple to use charting toolkit for HTML5 and Javascript is called CanvasJS. It works on a variety of platforms, including desktops, Microsoft Surface, iPhone, iPad, and Android. As a result, you can build rich dashboards that are functional on all devices without sacrificing maintainability.

  • Very basic and user-friendly API; you can start using it right away.
  • features elegant and lovely-looking themes.
  • exemplary performance
  • works with all current technology.
  • CanvasJS is independent, not reliant on any other libraries.
  • Dedicated assistance from developers.

How to add CanvasJs to your Web pages :

1.    Two Source files are included in the downloaded Zip package.

canvasjs.js, an uncompressed file (available only in the Paid Version)
Canvasjs.min.js is a compressed file.

2.   Include the file in your web page’s tag.

  <script type="text/javascript" src="canvasjs.min.js"></script>

Now you can set your data into chart :

app.component.html :

<div id="chartContainer" style="height: 200px; width: 100%;">

app.component.ts :

  ngOnInit(): void {

    var chart = new CanvasJS.Chart("chartContainer",
        axisX: {
          tickLength: 0,
          lineThickness: 0,
          labelFontColor: "#A3AED0",
        axisY: {
          gridColor: "#C6CCE1",
          lineThickness: 0,
          gridThickness: 1,
          labelFontColor: "#A3AED0",
        data: [
            type: "spline",
            markerType: "none",
            lineThickness: 3,
            lineColor: "#4318FF",
            dataPoints: [
              { y: 120, label: "Jan" },
              { y: 170, label: "Feb" },
              { y: 120, label: "Mar" },
              { y: 180, label: "Apr" },
              { y: 140, label: "May" },
              { y: 160, label: "Jun" },
            type: "spline",
            markerType: "none",
            lineThickness: 3,
            lineColor: "#6AD2FF",
            dataPoints: [
              { y: 40, label: "Jan" },
              { y: 100, label: "Feb" },
              { y: 60, label: "Mar" },
              { y: 120, label: "Apr" },
              { y: 90, label: "May" },
              { y: 100, label: "Jun" },



Output :

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