Canvas can’t generate (animated) GIFs. You need to use a JavaScript library to do so.
Here we use npm for GIF.
For forward-backward animations, duplicate frames added using gif.addFrame() will only be processed once.
To save memory and increase performance, images created by web workers were transmitted back.
JavaScript GIF encoder that runs in your browser. Each frame is rendered quickly in the background using typed arrays and web workers!
Let’s start…
Step : 1 Create New Project
Write the command below in the terminal.
ng new canvas-gif
Step : 2 Install gif package
Now, we need to install npm by writing the following command into the terminal.
npm i gif.js.optimized
Step 3: ADD gif file
download the gif file and add it to asset folder or anywhere in the project folder.
Step: 4 Update HTML file
copy the code & paste it into in app.component.html file.
<p> Start editing to see some magic happen :) </p> <img #img src="/assets/ZKZg.gif" alt=""> <canvas #canvas width="600" height="300"></canvas>
Step : 5 Update app.component.ts file
import { Component, ElementRef, ViewChild } from '@angular/core'; const gif = require('gif.js.optimized'); @Component({ selector: 'app-root', templateUrl: './app.component.html', styleUrls: ['./app.component.css'] }) export class AppComponent { @ViewChild('img', { static: true }) img?: ElementRef; @ViewChild('canvas', { static: true }) canvas?: ElementRef; gif: any; ngOnInit() { this.gif = new gif.default({ workers: 2, quality: 10 }); // add an image element this.gif.addFrame(this.img); this.gif.on('finished', function (blob:any) {; }); this.gif.render(); } }
There are some options in the gif constructor as follows:
repeat: repeat count,
= no repeat,
= forever
quality: pixel sample interval, lower is better
background: background color where the source image is transparent
workers: number of web workers to spawn
transparent: transparent hex color, 0x00FF00= green
you can also add options in addFrame.
delay: it defines delay in the frame. The default value is 500
copy: copy the pixel data. The default value is false.