Hey Everyone,
In this article, we will learn how to resize the image before uploading using multer, sharp with node js, and express js. we will help you to give an example of node.js image uploading with multer. This article will focus on the sharp module. sharp is a popular Node.js image processing library that supports various image file formats, such as JPEG, PNG, GIF, WebP, AVIF, SVG, and TIFF.
I will give you step by step simple example of how to resize the image before uploading using multer, sharp with node js, and express js. In this example we will simply upload an image and resize it with 200*200 and the quality will be 90%. let’s follow the below steps:
Step 1: Create Node App
Execute the following command on the terminal or command prompt to create the node js app:
mkdir my-app cd my-app npm init
Step 2: Install express and multer
Execute the following command to install express and multer dependencies in your node js app:
npm install express multer --save npm install sharp --save
Step 3 – Create Index.js File
Create an index.js file, So go to your app root directory and create it. Now import the below dependencies in index.js file :
const express = require('express'); const multer = require('multer'); const fs = require('fs'); const sharp = require('sharp');
Now Configure multer package to store files in the directory :
const storage = multer.memoryStorage(); var upload = multer({ storage: storage });
Create image file upload routes :
app.post('/upload', upload.single('image'),async (req, res) => { fs.access('./data/uploads',(err)=>{ if(err){ fs.mkdirSync('./data/uploads'); } }); await sharp(req.file.buffer) .resize(400,200) .toFile('./data/uploads/' + req.file.originalname) res.send(req.file); });
Here is, Complete code of the index.js file :
const express = require('express'); const multer = require('multer'); const sharp = require('sharp'); const fs = require('fs'); const app = express(); const port = 3000; const storage = multer.memoryStorage(); var upload = multer({ storage: storage }); app.post('/upload', upload.single('image'),async (req, res) => { fs.access('./data/uploads',(err)=>{ if(err){ fs.mkdirSync('./data/uploads'); } }); await sharp(req.file.buffer) .resize(400,200) .toFile('./data/uploads/' + req.file.originalname) res.send(req.file); }); app.listen(port, () => { console.log(`Example app listening at http://localhost:${port}`) })
Step 4 – Start App Development Server
You can use the following command to run your application :
npm start
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