What are the benefits of using Mixins in flutter?

Forums FlutterWhat are the benefits of using Mixins in flutter?
Staff asked 2 years ago

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Parth Marked As Accepted
Staff answered 2 years ago

Mixins are useful when you need code sharing but don’t want to use inheritance.
When you use class B with A, you import all of the methods of mixin A into your class B.
The on keyword can be used to restrict the use of a mixin to a specific type.
You can use it in conjunction with one or more mixins.

Staff answered 2 years ago

When you require code sharing but don’t want to utilise inheritance, mixins come in handy.
When you use class B with A, you import all of mixin A’s methods into your class B.
The on keyword can be used to limit a mixin’s use to a specified type.

It can be used in combination with one or more mixins.


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