LINQ Where Clause Filtering Operator

Linq filtering operators are used to filter the collection or list. Filtering operator specifies the statement that should only take effect when the specified criteria meet. The where clause is optional and used to limit the number of data returned by the linq query.

LINQ Aggregate Function

Today, we will learn about Linq aggregate functions. Linq provides various aggregate functions like Min(), Max(), Sum(), Count(), Average(), Aggregate().

LINQ Lambda Expressions

In Linq, a function without a name is known as Lambda expression. It a more clear and makes the syntax small. As lambda expression is not must readable but internally its get converted to lambda only.

LINQ Syntax (Query Syntax & Method Syntax)

Here, we will learn about Linq query syntax and Linq method syntax with examples. The main advantage of Linq is that it allows us to write the query in the code itself due to which development becomes easier.


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